
Welcome to Funkhouser Family Farm!

We are producers of beef, lamb, eggs, and row crops.

Our family has been raising cattle for many generations. Joe and DeAnn Funkhouser and their children work cooperatively with Marion, Rose Ann, and Dean Weaver (DeAnn’s parents and brother). Together we work two farms to produce a healthy, productive cattle herd and sheep flock.

Visit the Farm

We raise beef cattle and sheep along side a flock of chickens that produce fresh eggs for local markets. Many of our calves and lambs are born in the spring. Our livestock guardian dogs live with the “flerd” (herd and flock), protecting them day and night.  We also have a few horses and you never know what else might find a home in the barnyard!

Spring is a BUSY and FUN time in the lambing barn. We welcome over 150 baby lambs starting in mid/late April. Lambing continues for 3 to 5 weeks. The barn is just bursting with new life! Come, visit the farm!  There always seems to be an orphan lamb that needs a bottle come feeding time. If you’re lucky you may even witness the birth of a baby!

We welcome guests, but please call ahead!


Phone: 740-499-2717

Email: info@funkhouser.farm

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